Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zeitoun Final Response

Life is not fair, and I have learned that life takes unexpected turns and unfortunately there is nothing one can do about it. At first Zeitoun believed that he was arrested for terrorism conspiracy, because the first thing that the soldier who arrested Zeitoun said was, '"You guys are al Qaeda,"' (Zeitoun 222). I could not imagine what it would be like to be called a terrorist, just because Zeitoun is Arab. If I were Zeitoun I would have lost all respect for my countries justice system, because all Zeitoun had done was rescue, and save lives. Zeitoun should be considered a hero, rather than a terrorist because all he has done was saved lives rather than taking lives. I believe that the soldiers are the people to blame, simply because they did nothing to help the citizens of New Orleans while they were in panic. The soldiers were not even stationed in New Orleans for several days after Katrina hit, which shows how much our government cares about their citizens. I believe our government could have gotten to New Orleans within a couple hours after the storm hit, instead it took sever days for the government to figure out the people of New Orleans needed help. When sent to jail Zeitoun was told to get undressed in order to be stripped searched, because they believed that had stolen items from stores in town. Zeitoun did not have anything on him beside some money that the soldiers thought he had stolen from a store. Zeitoun was sent to, "Angola, the country's largest prison, was built on an eighteen-thousand-acre former plantation once used for the breeding of slaves" (Zeitoun 320). I thought this was ironic, because our government once allowed slavery, as we know was beyond cruel, torturous, and inhuman and yet our government decides to build a prison. Prisons are supposed to rehabilitate those are treatable, and yet Angola was built on a plantation where racism was very prevalent. It makes no sense what so ever to build a prison on a once racist land. Zeitoun was be profiled left and right just because he was Arab, and thrown into a prison built on racism, but our government has not figured out that it is illegal to profile and assume one is a terrorist because he is Arab even after the Civil Rights Movement. I believe that the way that Zeitoun acted during his confrontation with the police, ultimately saved him and reduced the fines, because he did not act crazy and make a big seen. Zeitoun was able to keep his cool, because he knew that this was all a misunderstanding. In Angola Zeitoun was not being treated any better than he was outside, because the guards put him in solitary confinement, and refused to give him his phone call. Zeitoun lost all of his rights as a United States citizen while in prison, and was thought to be the worst of the worst, due to where he was being held in prison. If I were Zeitoun I would have sued the United States government for millions of dollars for putting him in jail for no reason. I really like this book, and thought it did a great job connecting to new and relevant topics that are occurring currently in our world. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning about New Orleans, and our government because it goes into such depth. From this book I have learned that citizens legal rights are much different in other countries, and as Americans we need to utilize our rights in a way that can be identified in a peaceful manner. I have learned that depending on ones career and actions, one can be viewed to be many different things and most of the time they are all false due to misunderstandings and profiling. It is unacceptable and illegal to judge one based on their appearance, but unfortunately our government has not learned right from wrong yet. This book has made me hate our government, because from what I have learned our government set the people of the United States to fail, unless they obey specific rules and regulations.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Zeitoun Book Response

Once the book reached the climax I could not put it down because, there was so much going on with Zeitoun’s family, the thousands of displaced citizens, and the New Orleans as a whole. I was amazed how calm Zeitoun has remained throughout Hurricane Katrina, while being separated from his family and being detained by police. What amazed me the most was that at first the police were not doing anything to help the citizens while they were drowning in their own community, and then they decided to target the one man who was making a difference by rescuing anyone who needed help. What amazed me was that the police were looking for terrorists rather than trying to save the dying people of New Orleans. The police ended up arresting Zeitoun and two other Arab men, thinking they were part of Al Qaeda and yet during this ridiculous stereotyping Zeitoun was able to relax and hope this misunderstanding would be resolved soon. Zeitoun and Kathy, “Knew that many imaginations had run amok, that the introduction of the idea of ‘sleeper cells’ – groups of would-be terrorists living in the U.S. and waiting, for years or decades, to strike-meant that everyone at their mosque, or the entire mosque itself, might be waiting for instructions from their presumed leaders in the hills of Afghanistan or Pakistan” (Zeitoun 222-223).  If I were Zeitoun I would extremely mad and would yell at uneducated, un-helping, ignorant, worthless policy officers, which would escalate the situation and ultimately make the situation worse.  Zeitoun on the other hand was able to keep his cool, and understand where the police were coming from because he was an Arab man, but he was upset because he could have been saving more people’s lives during this time. From the beginning of the book Zeitoun had to be constantly active, and when he was arrested you could see him getting anxious to get out and help the people of New Orleans. Zeitoun himself was able to provide help and services to those who were unable to do anything due to the Hurricane. I choose to read this book, because I heard so many good reviews about it, and heard that this man should be awarded medals of Honor due to all the courageous acts he did for his country and his people. Zeitoun took the worst situation imaginable and turned it around using by using his resources, and by working with other individuals who had the same goals as him. Zeitoun should be a Darfur activist, because he is able to take a horrible situation and make the best from it. Throughout the book Zeitoun has only wanted to better his community and others around him, which is exactly the type of guy we need to help end the genocide in Darfur. In Saturday September 17, “Blackwater USA, a private security firm that employed former soldiers from the U.S. and elsewhere, had sent hundreds of personnel to the region. They were there in an official capacity, hired by the Department of Homeland Security to help maintain order” (Zeitoun 205). The police and other authorities seemed to be more focused on finding terrorists, rather than helping the citizens of New Orleans get to safety. When an uncontrollable disaster like Hurricane Katrina affects hundreds of thousands of people it is the governments job to protect the citizens have been affected, and make sure that their problems are eliminated. Our government as well as other countries truly did not understand the severity off the Hurricane, and decided to watch while thousands lost control. Nothing is real until it happens to one self, and I feel that Hurricane Katrina woke up our whole country because Katrina hit with great force with little notice. I feel that this is exactly what we need to do in Darfur, because if we attack the Sudanese government quickly and with no warning the rebels are not going to know what to do, and hopefully make them give in and end the genocide once and for all. In my opinion Katrina was a small genocide because the lack of effort demonstrated by our government ultimately killed innocent people. People could have been saved if there was more immediate action taken place. America is notorious for procrastinating and acting at the last minute, so do not hold your breath because you truly do not know when we will act.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Double Check

I felt the need to find specific information that should the Sudanese government breaking the law, by supoporting the Janjaweed or other rebel organizations.  I began to understand that the Sudanese government was has been caught purchasing weapons and other militarly equipment multiply times and also has been caught arming rebel groups. What I do not understand is how other countries can stand around and allow this type of behavior to occur right in front of their faces. There is documentation of the Sudanese government working against its own people and yet we allow the genocide to occurr. By not acting we are only making the situation in Darfur and Sudan worse. While researching I found an artilce called, Cyprus Intercepts Sudan Arms Ship, which was about how police caught a ship that was sailing to Sudan and then to Singapore. What amazed me was that this vessel was found and detained on June11, 2010, becasue this event occurred less than a year ago not even a year ago, which is clear evidence that the genocide is still occurring for those who do not believe it. While reading the article I read that, "A security source said authorities were investigating whether the cargo contravened a U.N. arms embargo on all armed groups operating in Sudan's Darfur region, the site of a seven-year conflict pitting government troops and allied militias rebel fighters" (Cyprus Intercepts Sudan Arms Ship). This vessel was found on June 11, 2010, containing military equipment, was essentail in saving citizens lives. Police investigated the situation and concluded that the armed ship was heading to Sudan. We need to cut off all supplies to Sudan and other parts of Africa who are known alliences with Sudan, in order to reduce the amount of military equipment, which would ultimitly reduce the amount of crime. There is so much corruption occurring right in front of our faces, which is why it is important to take the time and make sure that vessels and planes heading to Africa do not have any suplies that would prolong the gencide.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Make a Decision

I began looking into the all the different support groups that either aid Darfur from the United States, or have treatment facilities located in Darfur. I thought the only way to truly understand what these agencies are doing for the people of Darfur, I really needed to look into their company and see what their goals are for the country. I decided to watch multiple documentaries that showed different companies relief programs, as well as their treatment centers. It was depressing to watch these videos to be frankly honest, because these documentaries showed dead bodies, wounded, crippled, starving, and homeless children. Organizations like Save Darfur, the International Rescue Committee, and the Darfur Human Rights Organization are all organizations that are dedicated to saving the people in Darfur. One hundred percent of their proceeds go directly to their facilities located in Darfur, and other sister organizations. I decided to write a letter to the International Rescue Committee, because I felt the need to express my voice on the genocide in Darfur, and also to show that there are people who care about this issue. I was fortunate enough to receive a letter back from George Rupp the president of International Rescue Committee explaining what they have recently been doing, and what our government has been doing in Darfur. I was informed that, "After more than five years of passionate and immensely challenging work, the International Rescue Committee-IRC- was being expelled from Darfur by the Sudanese government. The government's actions came just hours after the International Criminal Court (ICC) had issued an arrest for President Omar al-Bashir, charging him with crimes against humanity for the slaughter and suffering in Darfur” (George Rupp). I later learned that even though that the IRC was forced to leave Darfur, there plan on ending the genocide still remained in tack, and their beliefs are still just as strong. Despite being forced out of Darfur, the IRC has been delivering lifesavings support to thousands of displaced refugees in Chad. I believe that the expulsion of the International Rescue Committee, should evil within the Sudanese government, and also should that the Sudanese government is fearful of the power within these organizations. The organizations located within Darfur play a life-saving role to the sick, displaced, and dying victims of Darfur. The genocide is still currently taking place, and I could not imagine what Darfur would look like without these organizations. I have learned that getting permission to enter into Darfur is an extremely difficult and time consuming task, because the Sudanese government has strict regulations that restrict large groups from entering and helping the displaced citizens of Darfur. I still feel that our government needs to send more aid, because there is an endless line of victims who need aid of some sort. I do recognize the work that the United States government has put forth under the Sudanese government permission. Part of Darfur and Sudan are under the jurisdiction of United States law, which is believe is key to ending the genocide. I believe that instead of controlling parts of Darfur and Sudan, I think the United States government needs to invade and take control over the situation. This is easier said than done, but we are getting closer and closer to ending the genocide every day, and instead of prolonging the genocide we need to make a big decision and act on it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Eight Years Later, Hundreds of Thousands Dead

There is no denying the genocide in Darfur and Sudan, and yet, I truly hope that our government, and the people of the United States decides to step up and make a difference in Darfur, because we cannot just sit around and watch innocent people be murdered. The genocide began in early 2003, and yet our government waited a whole year in order to make sure that the Sudanese government was actually mass murdering their citizens. What I do not understand is why the our government decided to wait until 2004 to, "Charged Sudan with genocide - the first time a government has made such an accusation at another government since the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide was adopted in 1948" (ADL Darfur Resource Center). As a citizen of the United States I would think that our government would have learned from past experiences, and would have changed. Due to our government's procrastination hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens have died, millions have been displaced, and an, "Estimated 3.5 million people afflicted by the crisis are suffering from hunger" (ADL Darfur Resource Center). Our government should have acted, and ended the genocide in 2003 right when it started, in order to eliminate progression, but now eight years later advancement within the Janjaweed and other rebel groups have taken place making the genocide much harder to stop. I'm not trying to diminish our government actions because the citizens of Darfur and Sudan need all the help they can get, but I believe that our government needs send more aid, because our current actions are not working, which means we need to develop new ideas. I was reading a short story called Bush Pigs by Richard Dooling, and I was blown away by one of his comments which was, "The U.S. Government sent me to Sierra Leone to help starving Africans, but at least half the time, the starving Africans took care of me" (Richard Dooling). Based on my observations on the documentaries i have watched, I have learned that the citizens of Darfur and Sudan are extremely grateful for food, water, clothes, toys, and other basic essential items, which we take for granted in America. I found this quote interesting because it shows how we as Americans are not doing much to help these people, and yet when we travel to Africa in order to help them they are the ones who are helping us. Our government needs to develop new tactics in order to better support the victims of Darfur and Sudan. Getting involved is easy, and it makes a huge difference in the long run. You can write a letter to President Obama, pressure the government of Sudan to allow humanitarian relief to reach all affected people in Darfur, or simply contact your local newspaper and television stations. Make donations and publicize this genocide as much as possible in order to inform the uninformed people, because every contribution makes a difference to the people in Darfur and Sudan. Every day another life is lost, thousands are displaced, and many die from dieses and hunger, so I challenge all of you to get involved and end the genocide.   

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Support, Support, Support

After watching Emergency in Darfur Part 1- Crisis, I was able to understand how the displaced citizens of Darfur receive aid. While watching this film, I was shocked to see the displacement camps, where thousands of refugees are forced to live in, because the rebels burned down their old villages. The crisis is not getting any better, and the children of Darfur are getting ill due to the lack of food, water, shelter, medicine, and because the people are prone to dieses. Women are often obducted and rapped, when the rebels invade. I learned that the International Medical Core or IMC is an American humanitarian aid organization, which focuses on training local villagers ways to remain healthy, and to be self-reliant. The international Medical core specializes in treating children under the age of five, and woman of all ages, in order to make sure that the villagers are healthy, while living under these horrible circumstances. I learned that there are medical facilities located in western and northern Darfur, but due to severity of the genocide the facilities are unable to help everyone. During the film there was a short interview on Jill John-Kall, who had previously worked in Uganda, and Chad, and began working in Darfur in 2005 as a field medical coordinator, and  two years later in 2007 she became medical director for International Medical Core in Darfur.  IMC provides medical kits, free medicine, and many other services in order to help victims of the genocide. What amazes me is how the children of Darfur are able to remain so strong after all that has happened to them, and still be able to have fun and faith. Instead of letting the genocide get worse, I suggest that we as Americans get involved, because our government is know to procrastinate. As citizens we need to get active, and generate awarness among our communities, and work places in order to help support the genocide. Design a campaign, and raise money with friends and family for a specific charity or the International Medical Core and make a difference.

Zeitoun Book Response

As I continue to read Zeitoun, the more I learn about Hurricane Katrina because, I'm getting an inside view on what actually happened to many families. I feel by reading about one families experiences with Hurricane Katrina I'm able to understand how Katrina effected others. Reading this book has allowed me to understand how Katrina affected others who did not live in New Orleans, but had family there. I feel that Zeitoun does a great job of explaining what a typical family experienced during Katrina, because this story takes place during Hurricane Katrina, and showed what Zeitoun, physically and mentally while staying back in New Orleans, and what he did in order to make the situation better. One of the soldiers yelled, '"We can't help you,' he said. Go to St. Charles," (Zeitoun 144) which does not surprise me because according to the videos we watched in class, and the United States did not do squat to help the victims of Katrina. Zeitoun was wondering, "What were they doing in the city, if not helping evacuate people?" (Zeitoun 144). Zeitoun experienced negligence from our government, while he was trying to get help for other citizens who needed the help more than he did. I find it shameful that a single man was capable of helping more people than our government, because it is our governments duty to aid people who are in need, rather than watch them die. Zeitoun decided to be different and go out of his way, and help the helpless, because he realized that nothing was being done by the government, and he felt that he must take matters into his own hands. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to be in Zeitoun's shoes, having to leave his family and watch his home be destroyed. It was the pastor who. "Expressed confidence that help was still on its way, but Zeitoun didn't want to take any chances" (Zeitoun 147). Zeitoun was thinking and acting logically because he knew that it was unrealistic that help would arrive any time soon, if the soldier’s in his neighborhood were telling him to go to St. Charles, in order to seek help. Zeitoun realized that his best chance at survival was to look out for himself and help others during the process. This book has only made me more disappointed with our government because of the lack of help, and due to the way our government treated its citizens. Our government needs to get their priorities straight, and realize that the citizens of the United States come first.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

protests Out burst

On Wednesday of last week protests were held in three cities of northern Sudan. Their hope was to get fellow community members involved, but were not successful because the police broke up the protest using violence if necessary. The citizens within these cities were not even allowed to express themselves in their home town, because the government is afraid that the citizens will turn against them in order to end this chaos. Legal rights and restrictions are much different in Africa, which is part of the reason why no affirmative action has taken place. Key, “Witnesses reported small protests in Dillinj in South Kordofan state, Khartoum and Zalengei town in Darfur before police broke them up” (Darfuris hold anti-government protest in Sudan’s north). These types of confrontations occur all the time in Sudan and Darfur, because the government system set up their citizens up to die. ‘“These protests are against the restrictions on freedom imposed by this government which continues to kill innocent people,’ Darfur rebel Sudan Liberation Army spokesman Nimr Mohamed Abdelrahman told Reuters.” Then, “Khartoum blames the Western media for exaggerating Darfur’s conflict and does not recognize the ICC’s authority.” (Darfuris hold anti-government protest in Sudan’s north). The government officials in Khartoum must be the most ignorant, bullheaded morons, because they honestly think that what they’re doing is acceptable and legal. These government officials should be charged with killing millions of innocent African citizens. I feel that we as Americans need to spread awareness, and get others involved in order to make a difference. As we continue to spread awareness, our government will finally have the common sense to act to end the genocide in Africa. The genocide is spreading rapidly, and the only way to make a difference is by spreading awareness with friends, family, and other youth groups. It is an easy way to get involved, and makes a huge difference whether one believes it or not. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ready, Aim, Wait

The situation in Darfur and in Sudan is not got getting any better because hundred's are still dying and thousands are being displaced each and every day. Albert Einstein once stated that, "Stupidity is a person doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome," any yet our government does not seem to understand that our actions currently are not working. Our government needs to implement new laws and restrictions throughout and Sudan, in order to have any chance in ending the genocide. Clearly peace treaties have not worked in the past, so in order to save the citizens I feel that the United States government needs to over through the Janjaweed which is a government supported militia. Their government is setting their citizens up to die and, "The Government of Sudan is using strategies that were first used against the south for many years. By manipulating pre-existing tribal divisions, the Government has played a major role is splintering the opposition movements into factions and has attempted to buy off one small group at a time rather than pursuing a broader peace through transparent negotiation with all parties. This tactic of divide and conquer creates inequality, dissatisfaction and mistrust between the rebel factions, delaying or preventing the creation of a unified political opposition" (Andrew Natsios). It is clear that the Sudanese government is setting up the citizens of Darfur and Sudan to die, and there is no denying it. The Sudanese government systematically planned to kill specific groups of people at certain times, by forming the Janjaweed and other rebel forces. This genocide is very similar to the Rwandan genocide that occurred in 1994, where the minority of Tutsi's, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959–1962 and overthrown the Tutsi monarchy. It is the United States responsibility to get involved and end the genocide, because as we have learned in the past genocides waiting does not make the situation any better. The United States stated that we as a country would, “Never Again,”  let another genocide take place in front of our eyes, but the United States has not learned that lesson yet, which will lead to the deaths of  hundreds of thousands of people. We are witnessing a modern day Holocaust and yet, “Congress, individual activists, and the huge array of committed non-governmental organizations can and should continue to shine a spotlight on Khartoum’s enablers” (Andrew Natsios). It is our job as the citizens of the United States to pressure our government to act, in order to show how significant this genocide is because our government does not seem to think it is all that important. Putting pressure on government officials, writing letters to congress, and raising money are all ways one can get involved in order to make a difference. Starting an organization with friends and family is another great way to get involved and raise awareness in order to end this genocide once and for all.  

Monday, April 25, 2011

What do we believe is right?

I feel that if we are not doing anything to better the situation then were making the situation worse. We as the people of the United States need to form a organization devoted to ending the genocide, for good.  I learned more about what our government is doing in order to fulfill our three objectives. The United States government, “Primary objectives seem to be to ensure their own representation in the national government, to achieve and maintain security for their people through the dismantling of the institutions of violence that have oppressed them for to long, and to share in the benefits of the country’s economic growth” (Congressional Testimony). It does not surprise me that our government wants to proper from the tragic event. Their goal should be saving lives, not trying to make money off of this genocide. Our country needs to stand true to our beliefs and morals as a country, and do what is right in order to be loyal and caring country. “The second objective of the U.S. Government is to ensure the protection of non-combatants as well as the protection of the humanitarian aid efforts managed by thousands of aid for more than two and a half million people” (Congressional Testimony). Wouldn’t you think that our government would realize that we as a country needs to send more supports because what we are doing right now is not doing very much.  Our government needs to set up aid facilities where family can get help, and clinics to take care of people with a specific need. In order to make the largest impact we need to spread out throughout the countries in order to insure safety and show existence. I feel that the Untied States should make sure that other countries are helping and doing their part, “However, if we find the Sudanese government is obstructing progress on these objectives, the Unites States government will change its policy of negotiation and will pursue more coercive measures” (Congressional Testimony). When people are in danger you save them, there is no negation of the genocide in Darfur so I feel that these objectives are strong, because if the Untied States government does not believe another countries actions are right then they may choose to act differently. This shows that the Untied States is trying to help, but is also showing a lack of effort as well. This gives the United States government the ability to change the objective based on the circumstances presented. How our government decides which issues are more important than other is frightening, and the situation is not getting any better, so we must act now in order to save lives we must act now. I feel that our government should be helping out more, in order to call themselves supports of the genocide. I feel that if our government really wanted to end the genocide within a month they could, but there choosing not to because they feel that they have bigger problems on their hands. The only problems the Untied States government has is it self due to its lack of efforts. We need to stop contemplating over the idea of supporting and actually help the victims. The United States government needs to stand true to its word, and make a difference before it is too late, and the damage is already done.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Supporters or What?

I thought that it would be interesting to learn how and what the United States government supports in Darfur and Sudan, based on their interests. It is interesting to see what our government has done for Darfur and Sudan because the United States main focus is reducing human suffering. I feel that because the United States does not have any interests in Darfur or Sudan beside reducing human suffering, I believe that is why our government has not done much to remedy the situation. In order to have a better understanding of what our government is doing in Darfur and Sudan, I needed to research what our government supports in order to know what they are doing and what their goal is for that specific region. I learned that, “The U.S. government is supporting SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) military reform, though should relations with Khartoum deteriorate this program would be more difficult to implement. CPA (Comprehensive Peace Agreement) security provisions need to be implemented now or conflict is likely to erupt in several areas around oil rich Abeyi and near Juba” (Andrew Natsios). To me this meant that our does not have a set plan supporting a group of people, because it does not seem to be set in stone. Depending on how the relationship between Khartoum is held the program can ultimately fail, leaving our government even less to work with than they had before . Each step is key in ending the genocide because depending on how our government looks at the situation larger conflicts might arise creating even more problems. The CPA was a major step in the right direction and, “I want to highlight the importance of the two year old Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that has created a fragile peace in Sudan between the north and the south after two decades of conflict during which more than 2.5 million died and four million were displaced. The CPA, the keystone of U.S. policy toward Sudan, is vulnerable. The death of the south’s charismatic leader, Dr. John Garang complicated the immediate implementation of the CPA” (Andrew Natsios). The CPA agreement is not perfect, but has created some peace In Sudan and Darfur, which shows that there is hope to ending the genocide before it is too late. When Dr. John Garang died, there was some uncertainty about implementing the agreement, which caused more violence to arise. After the implementation of the  Comprehensive Peace Agreement, citizens noticed a change in their communities. The citizens of Darfur and Sudan are extremely great full of the smallest actions, because they understand the effects of a failed peace agreement. They have seen so many systems fail in front of their eyes, which eventually leads to death.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Get involved in Darfur

As I began researching the genocide Darfur, I wanted to know if the United States had any interests in Darfur, in order to have a better understand why our government has not acted and aided the people of Darfur. It turns out that the, “United States interests in Darfur are primarily humanitarian, to reduce human suffering, protect human rights, and support a just peace. In order to meet humanitarian needs, we must have regional stability. We have no military or economic interests in Darfur. The United States opposes any effort by any group, country of movement to separate Darfur from Sudan” (Andrew Natsios). It seems that we have soldiers In Darfur and Sudan in order to slow down the genocide. I feel that our goal as a country should be to end the genocide and end human suffering, even if we don’t have any interests in the country. If the United States really wanted to make a difference in Darfur and Sudan then we should send more units of are military, in order to override the rebel government. First off, the Sudanese government needs to needs to stop supplying the Northern Arab Tribes otherwise known as the Janjiweed  As a Super Power, I feel that our government should make this genocide their top priority, and should gain national attention in order to gain supporters. Instead of having several units spread throughout Darfur and Sudan, we need to increase the number of military basis in order to end the genocide. I feel that specific areas are under United States law in order to reduce crime, but in order to end the genocide we need to act immediately fight for the citizen’s rights.  As I continued researching I learned that the, “Untied States has negligible trade with Sudan and minimal investment in the country. At the same time Sudan has built stronger economic ties with China, India Malaysia and Gulf Arab states and substantial  trade continues with japan and Europe” (Andrew Natsios). It does not amaze me that other countries felt the need to step in and make the genocide one of their countries top priorities, because what is currently happening is unacceptable. This genocide is very complex, because the Sudanese government placed many restrictions that make it difficult for other countries to help. Education is the key  in gaining supports, because a well informed activist can get others involved and interested through awareness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save Darfur

After watching the documentary Invisible Children, I felt obligated to take action on the genocide in Sudan and Darfur. I had heard about the genocide in Sudan, but I did not know what was happening in detail. I decided to research Darfur, because I feel that Darfur is not receiving the amount of publicity as it should. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, and millions left displaced and homeless, and I felt that in order to end the genocide, people must be educated on the topic in order to take further action. Darfur is a western region in Sudan, While researching the genocide in Darfur, I continued to find statistics on how many people have been killed, displaced, and rapped, which dawned on me because these people who have died are just being referred to as numbers. The fighting in Darfur began in 2003, and since then the violence has only risen, creating further problems for the citizens. "In May 2006, the Darfur Peace Agreement was signed in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, by representatives of the Sudanese government and the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), the largest rebel group in Darfur. Leaders of the AU, including President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and President (and AU Chairman) Denis Sassou-Nguesso of Congo (Brazzaville), helped broker the agreement" (Sudan 2006). Many had hoped that this peace agreement would help end the genocide, but because there was a lack of effort from government officials the peace agreement failed. It appears to me that the peace agreement was supposed to slow down the genocide, and make it look like the genocide was ending but in reality nothing had changed. "Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the Justice and Equality Movement, and Abdul Wahid Nur, head of a SLM faction, refused to sign the agreement. These two rebel leaders from Darfur claimed that the agreement did not recognize the political, economic, and cultural rights of the people of Darfur. This amazed me because these two individuals who refused to sign the agreement, believed that the agreement did not recognize or protect the citizens social statues, and yet it the people were being ruthlessly murdered and that is acceptable? As I continue to research I continue to find more information on activist groups who try to get our government involved. At this point I'm extremely upset with our government, because of the lack of effort we as a country have put forth.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Zeitoun Book Response

While reading Zeitoun I felt obligated to blog because felt the need to share this story with others. Zeitoun put his life at risk by staying in New Orleans, rather than leaving with his family. What I thought was interesting is that Zeitoun had the opportunity to leave town, but he decided to stay and watch after his property, business, home, and clients. “In New Orleans, Zeitoun was invigorated. He had never felt such urgency and purpose” (Zeitoun 116). After the storm hit and the majority of the physical damage was done, Zeitoun felt the need to help others in the community. Zeitoun felt the urge to get into his canoe and explore the city now under water. Zeitoun began helping others who were stranded in their house full of water, and because Zeitoun had a canoe he was able to hear the un-hearable citizens who were in danger. Zeitoun’s wife was completely against him staying home during the storm but, “His choice to stay in the city has been God’s will” (Zeitoun120). If Zeitoun hadn’t stayed home during the storm it is safe to say that others would have died because the National Guardsmen would not have gotten there in time, or because the people could not be heard over the loud fan boats. What amazed me was that during this dangerous time, Zeitoun never exchanged names with the other citizens who were with him, because they were that busy helping people. At the time their names, race, or religion did not matter, what did matter was getting the helpless people to safety. It amazes me, “That another ten thousand National Guardsmen were being sent to the region, about one-third of them directed to maintain order. There would soon be twenty-one thousand National Guard troops in the area, coming from all over the country. How could her husband be so calm when every branch of the armed forces was scrambling? (Zeitoun 115). It amazes me how that one man was able to save so many people, while the National Guardsmen maintained order. Zeitoun was able to do what the FEMA and other associations could not. He was able to get to the citizens who needed help, and turn a horrible situation into something positive. Even though New Orleans was destroyed Zeitoun, did not give up and hoped for the best in himself and others, and was able to save lives because of his outlook. “It was the very nature of this small, silent craft that allowed them to hear the quietest cries. The canoe was good, the silence was crucial” (Zeitoun 120). During these times Zeitoun wished he had a motorboat, but once he realized that the silence that came along with the canoe, he was thankful that he did not have a motorboat because he was able to hear the people who could not be heard. Zeitoun was able to help the citizens who could not be heard by the National Guardsmen or any other rescue group. It amazes me what one man was able to do in a situation like this one. This book is hard to put down once I start reading it, and I would recommend it to any one who is interested in Hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zeitoun Book Response

To many of the citizens Hurricane Katrina did not seem to be a huge threat, because many of the citizens had experienced other hurricanes in their past, which made them believe that they could survive Katrina. I can’t imagine what it would be like having to be in that situation, having to decide to leave everything behind, or try to ride out the storm and hope for survival. When the governor of New Orleans ordered an immediate evacuation, I felt that should have been everyone’s clue to get out of there as fast as possible. I feel that the government should have evacuated the citizens, by hiring agencies to assist those who did not have any transportation means. I also feel that the citiznes who homes were closest to the levees, should have been immediately evacuated and given temporary homes because as we know now after Katrina hit everything in its path was destroyed. As the storm progressed Zeiotun felt that, “If the damage continued at this pace, it would be worse that he had predicted. And the real storm hadn’t come yet” (Zeitoun 82). I feel that the levees represented hope to the citizens of New Orleans and Zeitoun, but as we learned in class the levees were not made properly, making the whole situation even more dangerous. According to Zeitoun, “The only thing that concerned him was the levees. If the levees were breached, he knew the battle was over” (Zeitoun 80). I felt that the government acted just like the levees because first off they did not help the citizens of New Orleans. The levees were not properly formed, which put all the citizens in close vicinity in extreme danger. I personally am upset with our government’s lack of aid in New Orleans because with more effective planning and support many people would still be living today. Our government abandoned the citizens of New Orleans for days, then began calling the helpless citizens refuges. Our government should be ashamed of itself, for leaving helpless civilians to die because our government refused to act. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Zeitoun Book Response


After learning about New Orleans in class I wanted to see Hurricane Katrina through the eyes of a citizen from New Orleans, to know what exactly they went through. As I continue reading I continue to learn more about Zeitoun and his wife Kathy, allowing me to see how their relation is as well. Zeitoun is a hard working man who owns his family own electrician company, and works with his wife Kathy who is receptionist and manager. Zeitoun and his family are Muslim, and while reading I have seen some challenges because they are a minority in their community. Often Kathy is asked to take of her hijab, ‘“Now you can take that think off.’ she’d been a Muslim for fifteen years and they still said this to her” (Zeitoun 67). I thought that this was a unique story because New Orleans has a diverse community, and yet people felt as if they minority, or less than others. It was interest to see how Zeitoun’s family reacted to the reports about Hurricane Katrina. Zeitoun and his family, “Lived nowhere near any levees, so they wouldn’t get any of the flash flooding that might hit some of other neighborhoods. It was East New Orleans, or the Lower Ninth, with its one-story houses so close to the levees, that were in the gravest danger” (Zeitoun 63). Learning about Hurricane Katrina in school, showed me that no matter where you were living when Katrina hit it affected you. Katrina left families dead, displaced, and mentally disturbed all over New Orleans, and people are still suffering to the day. So far I’m enjoying the book, and would recommend it to other who are interested in Hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Response to Protests in Libya

Not knowing much about the protests in Libya, I feel that America’s only reason for going into Libya and trying to stop the rebels from attacking the government was to show how America is a super power and how America has control over certain parts of the world. While reading several articles I began to think about the relationship between Libya and other parts of the world, including the America as well. What I have learned is that citizens of Libya want Muammar el-Qaddafi thrown from power, because the last, “Four decades of freakish rule,” has only created ore problems for the country. Not knowing much about the connections between America and Libya, I do not believe that America should get involved and drop over twenty massive bombs on the country in order to try to stop the war. I feel that by America going into Libya would only create more problems because now America has to worry about offending other armed groups in Libya, or surrounding Libya, because as shown in past history violence has only led to more violence. If America did have some connections with Libya in regards to oil, because Libya is an oil rich country, then I understand why America is tying to protect it’s other alliances. Otherwise I feel that the only in order to solve the problem in Libya is to over throw Muammar el-Qaddafi, by either killing him or imprisoning him, because eventually he could become a threat to the rest of the world. I do feel that Libya needs America’s help but I do feel that there are better ways to go about it. Another way to go about this is to form a peace treaty, or divide land but either way Muammar el-Qaddafi would still in power creating more problems for the citizens around the area.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Race in America

What would America be without its diverse culture and ethnic groups? America is the home to the free and the brave and, and without all the individuals which make up our communities America would look completely different. Also I have noticed that in America ones race is more than just their skin color but rather it is their life. In the article Being Black in America, Andrew Hacker explain what it is like to be Black in America, and all the struggles it brings along with it. To be honest it is not shocking to hear that based on ones color, their life style is completely affected, along with their living environment, working environment, and how other perceive them. On the other hand it is interesting to see Tim Wise’s view on being white in America, because he almost believes that being white is a gift, because of all the advantages that being white brings with it. Time explains how, “Being white also meant that I wasn’t likely to be perceived by any truly dangerous character in the ‘hood as a rival drug dealer or gang member, for example” (White Like Me 51). It is interesting to see the stereotypes that are attached to people of color simply because they are not white. Wise believes that being white could only help one’s life situation, because there are not many stereotypes associated with whites. Each and every one of us has our own hidden biases, which differ from person to person, but they are not always expressed. When taking the bias test in class almost all of us we told that we were racist in some way based on our morals and views on different ideas or situations. I feel that the only way in order to stop racism is through education, by showing students and others how racism affects others lives, and what it does to cultures and communities. There will always the select few who are firm believers  who will never change, then there is a group of people who views can be changed through education, and then there are the people who believe that racism is completely wrong, which we all should believe. Through education we can change this racist, cruel, and uneducated world we live in which will change the future forever. We must act now in order to make a difference in the future, otherwise our world will continue running the same way it has been, allowing some people to rise, and causing others to sink. We need to move past this and move towards a society where it is possible for all of us to prosper and succeed in life.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mock Trail Recap

When looking back to the first case that was presented, I thought that the plaintiff Elyse Roberts was a victim of sexual harassment, and I thought that  Elyse’s attorney’s did a great job on presenting the facts of the case, and getting the point across.   I agree with the verdict, because the evidence presented in the case showed that Mrs. Roberts was sexually harassed multiple times in her office, and her co-workers and supervisors did nothing to remedy the situation.  The facts that stood out to me was when Kevin Murphy took a picture of a swimsuit model from a USA swimsuit magazine, and wrote Mrs. Roberts name across the top and posted in his office, which is also Mrs. Roberts office as well. Also Kevin Murphy continued to make unnecessary comments, after Mrs. Roberts asked him to stop and touched her repeatedly. Mrs. Roberts was unable to attend work because she was getting sick over the harassment present by Kevin Murphy at work on a daily basis. Mrs. Roberts began to lose sleep as well as weight, which are known symptoms one would experience if being sexually harassed. I felt that the defended was trying to prove that Mrs. Roberts missed to many days of work, when she did not and tried to explain that Mrs. Roberts was simply over reacting to the situation because everyone else in the work place likes Kevin Murphy. If the defendants did not get of track as much, I felt that it was very possible that they could have own the case, because there was enough evidence to prove the plaintiff guilty.
When looking back to the second case, I thought that both sides did a good job explaining their sides, but the defense proved their case explaining that David Jones did not rape Susan Williams. It was a  tough decision to make because both sides evidence was very interesting and proved their case. The compelling facts that made the difference in the jury’s decisions was that even Susan said no and did not want to have sex with David, and yet David forced it upon her. Also Susan’s shirt came into play because, supposedly David ripped it off Susan and then raped her. The information that I considered to be the most important was that the there was no evidence that Mrs. Roberts was raped by David Jones, because she went how and showered. Also the plaintiff got side tracked, with the fact that both David and Susan were drinking that night, but alcohol does not excuse the events which occurred. Also it was unclear who the plaintiff’s expert was, which effected their case as well. If the plaintiff made it clear who their expert was, then their evidence would have been more clear to the jury allowing their facts and message to be sent clearly. I feel that both sides had enough evidence to win their case, but it came down to presenting their information and the defense did their job very well. The defense got on the stands and made sure their questions were answered, opposed to the plaintiff who got side tracked and tried to prove some of the defense’s facts false, which got them nowhere.
I feel that there is some sexual harassment that occurs here at Deerfield High School in the halls. It is hard to determine because one doesn’t know if the comments and touching are unwanted or is just an inside joke that occurs between friends. Do be honest I feel there is more bullying than sexual harassment, because many of the comments that are made are often made to put someone down, which is unnecessary and rood. I believe that the culture here at Deerfield High School adds to the idea of sexual harassment because here at Deerfield students are Primarily white, which allows students to think that they can make certain comments to students because there is not much diversity, which allows one to think that all the students are all the same, which is not true at all. Every students  has different beliefs, and when someone makes a smart ass remark, it can deeply offend someone’s beliefs and culture, which in unacceptable. I also feel that some comments can be taken the wrong way, and be considered sexual harassment when it was not intended to be. I feel that the students at Deerfield High School do not try to harass other students, but one does not know how certain actions and words will offend others.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union 2011

Going into the State of the Union i was expecting Obama to talk about the job crisis and how it is effecting the people of our country. He continued to talk about winning the future and how  we could come back from the recession and change the economy, hoping to employee more workers. We all have similar dreams and beliefs; we are all trying to better our country so it is about time that we get along with one another and work together. Obama stated, "It is not hat if we can sit together tonight, but if we can work together tomorrow," this to me meant that if we are able to co mingle companies, just as the Democrats and Republicans are co mingled, our economy and country would be running much smoother and efficiently. The government measures success by our people, and we need to invest in the future which is children and technology. America has the most prosperous economy in the world, so we need to take responsibility and encourage American innovation, because change is the key to the future. We as citizen need to take control of the future because the future is not given it is achieved. Renewable energy and alternative energy sources are key to the future, and some of the goals that Obama claimed such as 88 percent of all Americans electricity coming from clean energy, are important in changing the base of our country. Over all unity is the key in making our country run smooth, because when groups of people are able to get along wonders happen, creating changes that were never thought possible. Our country is capable of doing a much better job and until our country gets its act together and is able to work with each other, things will not change the people will continue to suffer.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Purple Heart Final Blog

After finishing the book I noticed many small connections that occurred earlier in the book that ended up playing a large role at the end of the book. One moral that I learned was the every move one makes does not go unnoticed, which builds and shows ones character when it really matters. Throughout the book McCormick uses great detail when describing members of Matt's platoon, which allowed me to get a sense of the different characters, and what role they portrayed in the group. In every platoon each man is accountable for their role because one small mistake can end in death of another soldier, which no man wants on his conscious. In the second to last chapter, Matt's group split up into pairs and patrolled the city. All of the sudden a suicide bomber come up to Wolf asking for a cigarette and blew himself and wolf to shreds, and then other men pooped out of a building and began firing at the other soldiers. Justin who was with Matt when he was injured from the propelled rocked, was shot and began to tell Matt that he shot Ali because he was a spotter for the Iraqi snipers. Matt was relieved and in disbelief because he was friends with Ali and he was just a little boy. Justin portrays himself as a tough guy, and when the the gun fire began, Figueroa said Justin took off running for cover and did not know what to do because he was so scared. Shooting Ali, " Had shaken them up so much that they'd nearly stopped being soldiers. But when it had mattered most, Justin still had his back and her had Justin's" (Pg 192). Justin had been so afraid of death that he forgot his purpose as a soldier, which put his whole group at risk. I can not imagine what it is like having to kill a person or be shot at, and yet these soldiers are being shot at, and risking their lives every day for the American people. I was able to see a transformation in Justin's and Matt's character that showed me what it would be like if a certain part of me was ripped out. Out on the battle field soldiers have to put up masks while on guard, because they are there to do their job, and if side tracked the situation may end in a fatality. Out on the battle field rules change, and there is not always honesty. a soldier may change the story in order to make themselves look right, when in fact they have committed a crime. But these crimes should not be looked into because these are crimes being done in order our country, so who cares about the enemy right? At the end of the book I saw another transformation in Matt, where he went from hating the Iraqi people for killing his friends, but he was able to see the good within some of the people, which gave him so closure to all that previously had happened to him. From the moment these soldiers stepped foot onto Iraqi soil they were traumatized and they will always be that way for the rest of their lives. These soldiers knew the transformation that was going to occur once they where out on the battle field, and they did this so the rest of us Americans do not have to ever experience these horrific events. I am extremely grateful for the soldiers' and all of the people who protect this country. I would like to take the time and thank these brave people for serving our country, because none of us are even able to imagine what these soldiers experienced. Once again thank you to all the protectors of the country and may God be at your back.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Purple Heart Response

There is not always a right and a wrong in war, and depending on what one's personal belief is on a topic there may be multiple outcomes. When reading the Purple Heart I feel that Patricia McCormick did a excellent job of putting the reader, out on the battle field and in the shoes of a soldier. Trying to think like a soldier and understand their movements is so complicated, but to the soldiers it is just second nature. While the soldiers are out on the battle field, all their thinking about is surviving, and what their next move is because one wrong move can end in death. It seems trying to stay positive would be nearly impossible, but it seems the small gifts such as movies or letters from loved ones are the most powerful gifts one can give. It is amazing that those small gifts can take a soldier to another world mentally and allow them to go to a mentally stable position that essentially saves their lives. Once Matt Duffy the main character started feeling back to normal after his accident he wrote a letter to his girlfriend stating, "This is a strange place. You think there are rules and there's right and wrong and you think officers are all assholes who only want to make your life miserable. And then you find out that everybody has a different idea of what's right and wrong. And that a lot of people act like they want to know what's going on but they really don't-because then they might have to do something about it. Like I said it's strange" (Purple Heart 132). I feel that McCormick does a great job showing a soldiers decision making process, and then their actions based on their decision. When on the battle field there is little time to make a decision so you either stick with your decision or you die. I personally believe that no soldier wants to harm another person but when it comes down to life or death, it is instinct and one will do whatever it takes to stay alive. I feel that a soldier is defined based on his actions, because anyone can say they would do a heroic action, but when the situation is right in front of you, other influences come into play that often change a soldier's decision. Every soldier is noble for their actions and should be acknowledged for their service. What I do not understand is why our own government does not treat out troops better, and help them once they are done serving in the army or military. I feel that our government should be taking better care of it troops, especially after the soldiers just put their own life at risk, simply to better "America". It is the soldiers who make America the land of the free and the home of the brave, so i believe they deserve more respect and aid from the government who put them in this crazy situation.