Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mock Trail Recap

When looking back to the first case that was presented, I thought that the plaintiff Elyse Roberts was a victim of sexual harassment, and I thought that  Elyse’s attorney’s did a great job on presenting the facts of the case, and getting the point across.   I agree with the verdict, because the evidence presented in the case showed that Mrs. Roberts was sexually harassed multiple times in her office, and her co-workers and supervisors did nothing to remedy the situation.  The facts that stood out to me was when Kevin Murphy took a picture of a swimsuit model from a USA swimsuit magazine, and wrote Mrs. Roberts name across the top and posted in his office, which is also Mrs. Roberts office as well. Also Kevin Murphy continued to make unnecessary comments, after Mrs. Roberts asked him to stop and touched her repeatedly. Mrs. Roberts was unable to attend work because she was getting sick over the harassment present by Kevin Murphy at work on a daily basis. Mrs. Roberts began to lose sleep as well as weight, which are known symptoms one would experience if being sexually harassed. I felt that the defended was trying to prove that Mrs. Roberts missed to many days of work, when she did not and tried to explain that Mrs. Roberts was simply over reacting to the situation because everyone else in the work place likes Kevin Murphy. If the defendants did not get of track as much, I felt that it was very possible that they could have own the case, because there was enough evidence to prove the plaintiff guilty.
When looking back to the second case, I thought that both sides did a good job explaining their sides, but the defense proved their case explaining that David Jones did not rape Susan Williams. It was a  tough decision to make because both sides evidence was very interesting and proved their case. The compelling facts that made the difference in the jury’s decisions was that even Susan said no and did not want to have sex with David, and yet David forced it upon her. Also Susan’s shirt came into play because, supposedly David ripped it off Susan and then raped her. The information that I considered to be the most important was that the there was no evidence that Mrs. Roberts was raped by David Jones, because she went how and showered. Also the plaintiff got side tracked, with the fact that both David and Susan were drinking that night, but alcohol does not excuse the events which occurred. Also it was unclear who the plaintiff’s expert was, which effected their case as well. If the plaintiff made it clear who their expert was, then their evidence would have been more clear to the jury allowing their facts and message to be sent clearly. I feel that both sides had enough evidence to win their case, but it came down to presenting their information and the defense did their job very well. The defense got on the stands and made sure their questions were answered, opposed to the plaintiff who got side tracked and tried to prove some of the defense’s facts false, which got them nowhere.
I feel that there is some sexual harassment that occurs here at Deerfield High School in the halls. It is hard to determine because one doesn’t know if the comments and touching are unwanted or is just an inside joke that occurs between friends. Do be honest I feel there is more bullying than sexual harassment, because many of the comments that are made are often made to put someone down, which is unnecessary and rood. I believe that the culture here at Deerfield High School adds to the idea of sexual harassment because here at Deerfield students are Primarily white, which allows students to think that they can make certain comments to students because there is not much diversity, which allows one to think that all the students are all the same, which is not true at all. Every students  has different beliefs, and when someone makes a smart ass remark, it can deeply offend someone’s beliefs and culture, which in unacceptable. I also feel that some comments can be taken the wrong way, and be considered sexual harassment when it was not intended to be. I feel that the students at Deerfield High School do not try to harass other students, but one does not know how certain actions and words will offend others.

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