Thursday, March 17, 2011

Race in America

What would America be without its diverse culture and ethnic groups? America is the home to the free and the brave and, and without all the individuals which make up our communities America would look completely different. Also I have noticed that in America ones race is more than just their skin color but rather it is their life. In the article Being Black in America, Andrew Hacker explain what it is like to be Black in America, and all the struggles it brings along with it. To be honest it is not shocking to hear that based on ones color, their life style is completely affected, along with their living environment, working environment, and how other perceive them. On the other hand it is interesting to see Tim Wise’s view on being white in America, because he almost believes that being white is a gift, because of all the advantages that being white brings with it. Time explains how, “Being white also meant that I wasn’t likely to be perceived by any truly dangerous character in the ‘hood as a rival drug dealer or gang member, for example” (White Like Me 51). It is interesting to see the stereotypes that are attached to people of color simply because they are not white. Wise believes that being white could only help one’s life situation, because there are not many stereotypes associated with whites. Each and every one of us has our own hidden biases, which differ from person to person, but they are not always expressed. When taking the bias test in class almost all of us we told that we were racist in some way based on our morals and views on different ideas or situations. I feel that the only way in order to stop racism is through education, by showing students and others how racism affects others lives, and what it does to cultures and communities. There will always the select few who are firm believers  who will never change, then there is a group of people who views can be changed through education, and then there are the people who believe that racism is completely wrong, which we all should believe. Through education we can change this racist, cruel, and uneducated world we live in which will change the future forever. We must act now in order to make a difference in the future, otherwise our world will continue running the same way it has been, allowing some people to rise, and causing others to sink. We need to move past this and move towards a society where it is possible for all of us to prosper and succeed in life.

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