Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save Darfur

After watching the documentary Invisible Children, I felt obligated to take action on the genocide in Sudan and Darfur. I had heard about the genocide in Sudan, but I did not know what was happening in detail. I decided to research Darfur, because I feel that Darfur is not receiving the amount of publicity as it should. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, and millions left displaced and homeless, and I felt that in order to end the genocide, people must be educated on the topic in order to take further action. Darfur is a western region in Sudan, While researching the genocide in Darfur, I continued to find statistics on how many people have been killed, displaced, and rapped, which dawned on me because these people who have died are just being referred to as numbers. The fighting in Darfur began in 2003, and since then the violence has only risen, creating further problems for the citizens. "In May 2006, the Darfur Peace Agreement was signed in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, by representatives of the Sudanese government and the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), the largest rebel group in Darfur. Leaders of the AU, including President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and President (and AU Chairman) Denis Sassou-Nguesso of Congo (Brazzaville), helped broker the agreement" (Sudan 2006). Many had hoped that this peace agreement would help end the genocide, but because there was a lack of effort from government officials the peace agreement failed. It appears to me that the peace agreement was supposed to slow down the genocide, and make it look like the genocide was ending but in reality nothing had changed. "Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the Justice and Equality Movement, and Abdul Wahid Nur, head of a SLM faction, refused to sign the agreement. These two rebel leaders from Darfur claimed that the agreement did not recognize the political, economic, and cultural rights of the people of Darfur. This amazed me because these two individuals who refused to sign the agreement, believed that the agreement did not recognize or protect the citizens social statues, and yet it the people were being ruthlessly murdered and that is acceptable? As I continue to research I continue to find more information on activist groups who try to get our government involved. At this point I'm extremely upset with our government, because of the lack of effort we as a country have put forth.

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