Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ready, Aim, Wait

The situation in Darfur and in Sudan is not got getting any better because hundred's are still dying and thousands are being displaced each and every day. Albert Einstein once stated that, "Stupidity is a person doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome," any yet our government does not seem to understand that our actions currently are not working. Our government needs to implement new laws and restrictions throughout and Sudan, in order to have any chance in ending the genocide. Clearly peace treaties have not worked in the past, so in order to save the citizens I feel that the United States government needs to over through the Janjaweed which is a government supported militia. Their government is setting their citizens up to die and, "The Government of Sudan is using strategies that were first used against the south for many years. By manipulating pre-existing tribal divisions, the Government has played a major role is splintering the opposition movements into factions and has attempted to buy off one small group at a time rather than pursuing a broader peace through transparent negotiation with all parties. This tactic of divide and conquer creates inequality, dissatisfaction and mistrust between the rebel factions, delaying or preventing the creation of a unified political opposition" (Andrew Natsios). It is clear that the Sudanese government is setting up the citizens of Darfur and Sudan to die, and there is no denying it. The Sudanese government systematically planned to kill specific groups of people at certain times, by forming the Janjaweed and other rebel forces. This genocide is very similar to the Rwandan genocide that occurred in 1994, where the minority of Tutsi's, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959–1962 and overthrown the Tutsi monarchy. It is the United States responsibility to get involved and end the genocide, because as we have learned in the past genocides waiting does not make the situation any better. The United States stated that we as a country would, “Never Again,”  let another genocide take place in front of our eyes, but the United States has not learned that lesson yet, which will lead to the deaths of  hundreds of thousands of people. We are witnessing a modern day Holocaust and yet, “Congress, individual activists, and the huge array of committed non-governmental organizations can and should continue to shine a spotlight on Khartoum’s enablers” (Andrew Natsios). It is our job as the citizens of the United States to pressure our government to act, in order to show how significant this genocide is because our government does not seem to think it is all that important. Putting pressure on government officials, writing letters to congress, and raising money are all ways one can get involved in order to make a difference. Starting an organization with friends and family is another great way to get involved and raise awareness in order to end this genocide once and for all.  

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