Monday, April 25, 2011

What do we believe is right?

I feel that if we are not doing anything to better the situation then were making the situation worse. We as the people of the United States need to form a organization devoted to ending the genocide, for good.  I learned more about what our government is doing in order to fulfill our three objectives. The United States government, “Primary objectives seem to be to ensure their own representation in the national government, to achieve and maintain security for their people through the dismantling of the institutions of violence that have oppressed them for to long, and to share in the benefits of the country’s economic growth” (Congressional Testimony). It does not surprise me that our government wants to proper from the tragic event. Their goal should be saving lives, not trying to make money off of this genocide. Our country needs to stand true to our beliefs and morals as a country, and do what is right in order to be loyal and caring country. “The second objective of the U.S. Government is to ensure the protection of non-combatants as well as the protection of the humanitarian aid efforts managed by thousands of aid for more than two and a half million people” (Congressional Testimony). Wouldn’t you think that our government would realize that we as a country needs to send more supports because what we are doing right now is not doing very much.  Our government needs to set up aid facilities where family can get help, and clinics to take care of people with a specific need. In order to make the largest impact we need to spread out throughout the countries in order to insure safety and show existence. I feel that the Untied States should make sure that other countries are helping and doing their part, “However, if we find the Sudanese government is obstructing progress on these objectives, the Unites States government will change its policy of negotiation and will pursue more coercive measures” (Congressional Testimony). When people are in danger you save them, there is no negation of the genocide in Darfur so I feel that these objectives are strong, because if the Untied States government does not believe another countries actions are right then they may choose to act differently. This shows that the Untied States is trying to help, but is also showing a lack of effort as well. This gives the United States government the ability to change the objective based on the circumstances presented. How our government decides which issues are more important than other is frightening, and the situation is not getting any better, so we must act now in order to save lives we must act now. I feel that our government should be helping out more, in order to call themselves supports of the genocide. I feel that if our government really wanted to end the genocide within a month they could, but there choosing not to because they feel that they have bigger problems on their hands. The only problems the Untied States government has is it self due to its lack of efforts. We need to stop contemplating over the idea of supporting and actually help the victims. The United States government needs to stand true to its word, and make a difference before it is too late, and the damage is already done.

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