Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Get involved in Darfur

As I began researching the genocide Darfur, I wanted to know if the United States had any interests in Darfur, in order to have a better understand why our government has not acted and aided the people of Darfur. It turns out that the, “United States interests in Darfur are primarily humanitarian, to reduce human suffering, protect human rights, and support a just peace. In order to meet humanitarian needs, we must have regional stability. We have no military or economic interests in Darfur. The United States opposes any effort by any group, country of movement to separate Darfur from Sudan” (Andrew Natsios). It seems that we have soldiers In Darfur and Sudan in order to slow down the genocide. I feel that our goal as a country should be to end the genocide and end human suffering, even if we don’t have any interests in the country. If the United States really wanted to make a difference in Darfur and Sudan then we should send more units of are military, in order to override the rebel government. First off, the Sudanese government needs to needs to stop supplying the Northern Arab Tribes otherwise known as the Janjiweed  As a Super Power, I feel that our government should make this genocide their top priority, and should gain national attention in order to gain supporters. Instead of having several units spread throughout Darfur and Sudan, we need to increase the number of military basis in order to end the genocide. I feel that specific areas are under United States law in order to reduce crime, but in order to end the genocide we need to act immediately fight for the citizen’s rights.  As I continued researching I learned that the, “Untied States has negligible trade with Sudan and minimal investment in the country. At the same time Sudan has built stronger economic ties with China, India Malaysia and Gulf Arab states and substantial  trade continues with japan and Europe” (Andrew Natsios). It does not amaze me that other countries felt the need to step in and make the genocide one of their countries top priorities, because what is currently happening is unacceptable. This genocide is very complex, because the Sudanese government placed many restrictions that make it difficult for other countries to help. Education is the key  in gaining supports, because a well informed activist can get others involved and interested through awareness.

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