Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Students and the Fourth Amendment

I am completely against student drug testing in school, because it completely violates a student’s constitutional rights. Once you enter a school facility you surrounded certain right on order to abide by the school rules, so there aren’t many more rights that a school can legally take from the student body. Random drug is unconstitutional because a school administrator cannot force a student to take a drug test just because he or she looks or acts suspicious. If a student is a member of a sports team for a school, then the student might have to take a drug test, because the school is now responsible for the student and the students’ health. I feel that only students who are evolved in school activities may have to take a drug test, in order to prove to prove that the student is health and obeying the school rules. School administrators cannot force students who don’t participate in school activities to take a drug test because those students are not involved in any activity outside of school. “respondents argue that because children participating in nonathletic extracurricular activities are not subject to regular physicals and communal undress, they have a stronger expectation of privacy than the athletes tested in Vernonia.” If a student is not active in a school activity then the school has no rights to invade that specific student’s privacy. Unless a administrator has suspicion to believe that a student has drugs, weapons, or anything that will seriously harm the student body or the school, the school has no legal rights to search a persons’ personal belongings. I feel that students who participate in activities sponsored by the school will either decide to stop doing drugs and focus on his or her sport, or will decide to drop the sport because they realized that the sport didn’t mean that much to him or her, and it isn’t worth getting drug tested and getting caught by the school for using drugs. It has been proven that schools forcing drug tests on all students in school’s where drugs have been a problem in the past has improved students’ grade, reduced the amount of violence in a school, and has increased the amount of student athletes.  

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