Monday, December 13, 2010


Pro life groups are making it harder for women to access abortions by attacking he doctors, or other health clinics that have these services. Pro life groups are trying to eliminate abortions regardless of a women's situation, which makes it even harder for a women to find help in difficult situations. Pro life groups are making it harder for women to receive abortions because there are regulations that women must follow, and other guidelines that must be followed in order to insure a women's health. Good health is the most important thing one could have, because with good health many other good things come, but when a women is sick or not in a good mental state things can turn from alright to bad. Ultimately it is the women's decision on whether she wants to have an abortion, but when there are pro life groups influencing one's decision that is not fair. President George W. Bush signed the FFederal Abortion Ban in 2003, which is a women's right to a safe abortion, giving her the opportunity to have a properly done abortion.  There are many health risks, and depending on how long a women has been pregnant, changes the circumstances of the abortion, which may effect the mothers health.  I feel that the mother should hold the ultimate decision because it is no ones decision besides the mother of the child, because the mother too is experiencing pain. When thinking about having an abortion, there are many factors that come into play for a mother, and the decision is not an easy decision. Once the decision has been made I feel that pro life groups should have no influence on a mother who wants an abortion because pro life organizations and individuals have no idea what that mother is experiencing, and what she went through. An abortion is a difficult process, and pro life groups are only making it harder for women to receive aboritons. Pro life groups should be punished because they are punishing other mothers and making a mothers decision more difficult than it needs to be. By forcing a mother to look at a picture of her unborn fetus, or look at an ultrasound where the mother can see the fetus move, only puts more stress on the mother, and shames them for even thinking about having an abortion. I feel that it is better that a mother has an abortion, than having a child if the are not mentally ready to have a child, or if financially they are not ready either. Raising a child is a huge responsibility and it is no one elses decisions but a mothers, regardless what the government says, because they are not thinking about these types of decisions or going through a similar event that a mother is experiencing. I feel that abortions should be one hundred percent legal, and i feel that in the future they will be legal, because the government can not have control over one health rights, but they do have control over the procedure and making sure that the procedure is safe for the mother. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Purple Heart Response

While reading I tried to imagine what it would be like to be a soldier but it was too unclear. I thought about running around the desert, and thinking about the wide open land covered in sand. Soldiers in Iraq are exposed to this new habitat everyday, and do not know what to expect or do otherwise. Going into war soldiers are not told very much information about where they exactly are, and may not know the severity of the war which misleads a soldier causing him to make different decisions. While fighting one must be completely concentrated, because any small mistake or misunderstanding can cause an injury or a fatality. While laying in the hospital talking to Wolf he state, "You stop thinking. And just fight. Because, just for those few seconds, it simple: If you don't kill the other guy, he's going to kill you" (pg115).  I could not imagine having to be those conditions, and yet soldiers have to experience this on the edge thinking. Soldiers emotions are played with causing them to work under hard mental conditions, which causes them to think in another way or not at all. Soldiers are trained to distinguish an enemy or another person and see if he is threat, to make sure they do not impose violence. Soldiers see people getting killed, which leaves an internal scar that stays with someone forever. Understanding what soldiers go though on a day to day basis make me fortunate to be an American, and makes me appreciate may rights, which the soldiers are praying for, freedom.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Purple Heart Response

War is nothing to joke around about because the events, people, and horrors are all real and often can not be escaped even after the war is over. American citizens are simply spectators of the war and truly do not understand what it means to be in war. Americans' see war as a couple of tragic events where innocent soldiers are killed, and then hear the final outcome of the situation and base their understandings of war of those few events. When actually war is indescribable because there are so many events that take place on a daily basis that can not even be taken. Soldiers learn new cooping mechanisms in order to deal with the casualties they have seen, because war is some heavy stuff, that must be managed well otherwise things one may lose control. While roaming the streets, one does not know who and what it out there, which increases stress and anxiety putting a soldier in an unstable state and changes ones actions and decisions, which may be the difference between life and death. Matt stated, '"When you point your gun at someone and pull the trigger,' he said, 'shit happens. It's not a surprise. It's not pretty, but it's not something I necessarily want to talk about."' The events that one experiences changes the way he or she may view a certain situations, and depending on the severity of the crime or action one may put up a wall and keep their emotions to themselves. When experiencing horrific actions ones emotions are going to be extremely painful, and one may not want to talk about it because they do not want to revisit those emotions again. It is important for soldiers to express their emotions rather than letting them build up inside because that will only increase stress and other internal pain. Private Kane told Matt that he should talk his experiences, because the physical wounds will heal but ones mental state will not cure itself until one expresses what they have been through.  The events that one experiences will not go away, but one must learn how to deal with those events and understand what they have done, and why they did it because otherwise those physiological emotions will eat a soldier from the inside out.