Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Teaching Religion

In public schools where there is a wide range of different religions, a teacher has to be cautious about what he or she says because it might offend someone of a specific religion. A teacher and students within a classroom must have respect each individuals' religion because, you don't want a student to be embarrassed of his or her religion, because then that class is putting their classmate in a unstable state. Each individual has the freedom to choose and express his or her religion, and share their ideas about their specific religion. I read the article Holocaust role-playing misses mark, which talked about a tenth grade teacher who assigned a project where some students would play the role as Jewish people in a concentration camp, and other students would be the Nazi's at the concentration camp. During class the students who played the role of a Nazi would bother, and molest the Jewish role playing students, in order to show that the Nazi's were rude and treated the Jews badly. This is an unnecessary activity, because Tenth grade students clearly understand that the Holocaust was completely inhumane, and don't need an activity to show that the Jews were being mistreated. The students' should rather be learning why did this horrific event occur, how did it take place, what events lead up to the Holocaust, and what other countries could have done in order to help the victims. If a student or teacher is insensitive to religion, many emotions may arise in class which may lead to disagreements and arguments taking place. There is always those few individuals who believe that their religion is the best religion, and the only correct religion, which is incorrect because there isn't a correct religion. Religion is a very sensitive topic, which must be handled with care and if it isn't many controversies may arise. Some people take religion so seriously that, the revolve their lives around their religion. 

Speech Codes Assignment

Looking back to the last class, I was shocked to hear that student would even think to dress up in KKK, robes and on a university campus. Students were dressed in KKK robes, and other students blackened their faces, and pretended to hang other black students. These students should be punished, because their being extremely racist, and offending other blacks around the campus. In the 1830's and 1840's coon shows portrayed Blacks as lazy, stupid, culturally inferior, and buffoons. These kids are discriminating the past black slaves, and blacks today, and taking the progresses that already has been made, and throwing it down the drain. These students who think these parties are a joke should be mentally examined, because there is nothing funny about discriminating against blacks, or any other ethnicity. These parties are demeaning to other black students, and therefore should be kicked out of the college he or she was attending, because the actions occurring at that party, were a hundred percent discriminatory, and offensive to many other people on campus. A speech Code is any university regulation or policy that prohibits expression that would be protected by the First Amendment in society at large, and these students' on campus, violated many if not all of  the speech codes laws, which means that these students should be punished, in order for the for these students to clearly understand what they have done is completely wrong and demeaning to many people.

September 11 video

I felt that September 11, was a turning point for the community of New York. Many loved ones were lost, and yet people still had the strength to come out and help support the firefighters, and other individuals who risked their lives to help others during this tragedy. Days after the crash occurred, the sky was still gloomy and the streets were covered in pieces of the two buildings. It amazed me how much faith these people had in their country, even after this horrific event occurred. Many people gathered, hoping to find their lost loved ones, but many of them were never found. What really shocked me was the group of people in the center of Union Park who were drawing on the ground. Those words were absorbed into the ground and will be forever remembered, just as the World Trade Center will be remembered. When the crowd broke into an argument, people began to release their frustrations, and also comfort one another by listening to one another, and to reinsure themselves that this will not happen again. The people who died, and the people who risked their own lives by going into ground zero, will always be remembered. These brave individuals were extremely patriotic, and gave other Americans a since of pride even after all that they had already been through.